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The Pupa coffee brand has emerged thanks to our regular customers! It is due to them that we decided to open the Green Cafes of Kavos Bankas. Customers were telling us – you make such a good home-made coffee, we would like to have good coffee in cafe...



History of Coffee

Brazil is known as the coffee empire, and many people believe that the history of coffee began there... In fact, Brazil started growing coffee only in 1720, when the Brazilian spy seduced the wife of the governor of French Guiana and she passed him t...


How do we choose coffee farms?

We travel around the world and visit various coffee farms.
When visiting coffee farms we can look at their coffee plantations, get familiar with the workers, find out the farm's values, standards, see how the quality of coffee is maintained at the f...




After planting the coffee trees, you have to wait patiently from 2 to 5 years until the coffee beans bring fruit and the first harvest can be celebrated! The largest harvest comes from eight-year-old trees.
It takes 6-8 months for dark green fruits ...



Hand picking is the oldest and most difficult harvesting of the coffee. Coffee is harvested manually in mountainous areas or on small farms. Only ripe coffee berries are picked. Pickers come back to each tree for 10 times to collect the abundant harv...



How does coffee come to us?

When the coffee is ready for the trip, it is packed in jute bags to breathe during the trip. The coffee bag is marked with the date of harvest, the size of the beans and the processing method. A coffee bag is like a farm business card. In addition, t...


We welcome the arrival of the coffee and check its quality

It's always fun to get coffee shipment from any coffee country! But first of all we check the quality. Using a special tool, we take a sample and check the coffee moisture in the coffee lab. If it's about 12%, then coffee bags go to storage and wait ...